
Config Reference

Customize how Panda works via the panda.config.ts file in your project.

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
export default defineConfig({
  // your configuration options here...

Output css options


Type: string[]

Default: ['@pandacss/preset-base', '@pandacss/preset-panda']

The set of reusable and shareable configuration presets.

By default, any preset you add will be smartly merged with the default configuration, with your own configuration acting as a set of overrides and extensions.

  "presets": ["@pandacss/preset-base", "@pandacss/preset-panda"]


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to opt-out of the defaults config presets: [@pandacss/preset-base, @pandacss/preset-panda]

  "eject": true


Type: boolean | { scope: string; }

Default: true

Whether to enable css reset styles.

Disable preflight:

  "preflight": false

You can also scope the preflight; Especially useful for being able to scope the CSS reset to only a part of the app for some reason.

Enable preflight and customize the scope:

  "preflight": { "scope": ".extension" }

The resulting reset css would look like this:

.extension button,
.extension select {
  text-transform: none;
.extension table {
  text-indent: 0;
  border-color: inherit;
  border-collapse: collapse;


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to only emit the tokens directory

  "emitTokensOnly": false


Type: string

The namespace prefix for the generated css classes and css variables.

Ex: when using a prefix of panda-

  "prefix": "panda"
import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
const App = () => {
  return <div className={css({ color: 'blue.500' })} />

would result in:

.panda-text_blue\.500 {
  color: var(--panda-colors-blue-500);


Type: Partial<Layer>

Cascade layers used in generated css.

Ex: when customizing the utilities layer

  "layers": {
    "utilities": "panda_utilities"
import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
const App = () => {
  return <div className={css({ color: 'blue.500' })} />

would result in:

@layer panda_utilities {
  .text_blue\.500 {
    color: var(--colors-blue-500);

You should update the layer in your root css also.


Type: '_' | '=' | '-'

Default: '_'

The separator for the generated css classes.

  "separator": "_"

Using a = with:

import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
const App = () => {
  return <div className={css({ color: 'blue.500' })} />

would result in:

.text\=blue\.500 {
  color: var(--colors-blue-500);


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether to optimize the generated css. This can be set to false to boost build times during development.

  "optimize": true


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to minify the generated css. This can be set to true to reduce the size of the generated css.

  "minify": false


Type: boolean | { cssVar: boolean; className: boolean }

Default: false

Whether to hash the generated class names / css variables. This is useful if want to shorten the class names or css variables.

Hash the class names and css variables:

  "hash": true


import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
const App = () => {
  return <div className={css({ color: 'blue.500' })} />

would result in something that looks like:

  color: var(--cgpxvS);

You can also hash them individually.

E.g. only hash the css variables:

  "hash": { "cssVar": true, "className": false }

Then the result looks like this:

.text_blue\.500 {
  color: var(--cgpxvS);

Now only hash the class names:

  "hash": { "cssVar": false, "className": true }

Then the result looks like this:

  color: var(--colors-blue-500);

File system options


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to emit the artifacts to node_modules as a package. Will generate a package.json file that contains exports for each of the the generated outdir entrypoints:

  • styled-system/css
  • styled-system/jsx
  • styled-system/patterns
  • styled-system/recipes
  • styled-system/tokens
  • styled-system/types
  • styled-system/styles.css
  "emitPackage": true


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether to update the .gitignore file.

  "gitignore": true

Will add the following to your .gitignore file:

# Panda


Type: string

Default: process.cwd()

The current working directory.

  "cwd": "src"


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to clean the output directory before generating the css.

  "clean": false


Type: string

Default: styled-system

The output directory for the generated css.

  "outdir": "styled-system"


Type: string | Partial<OutdirImportMap>

Default: { "css": "styled-system/css", "recipes": "styled-system/recipes", "patterns": "styled-system/patterns", "jsx": "styled-system/jsx" }

Allows you to customize the import paths for the generated outdir.

  "importMap": {
    "css": "@acme/styled-system",
    "recipes": "@acme/styled-system",
    "patterns": "@acme/styled-system",
    "jsx": "@acme/styled-system"

You can also use a string to customize the base import path and keep the default entrypoints:

  "importMap": "@scope/styled-system"

is the equivalent of:

  "importMap": {
    "css": "@scope/styled-system/css",
    "recipes": "@scope/styled-system/recipes",
    "patterns": "@scope/styled-system/patterns",
    "jsx": "@scope/styled-system/jsx"

Check out the Component Library guide for more information on how to use the importMap option.


Type: string[]

Default: []

List of files glob to watch for changes.

  "include": ["./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", "./pages/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"]


Type: string[]

Default: []

List of files glob to ignore.

  "exclude": []


Type: string[]

Default: []

Explicit list of config related files that should trigger a context reload on change.


We automatically track the config file and (transitive) files imported by the config file as much as possible, but sometimes we might miss some. You can use this option as a workaround for those edge cases.

  "dependencies": ["path/to/files/**.ts"]


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to watch for changes and regenerate the css.

  "watch": false


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to use polling instead of filesystem events when watching.

  "poll": false


Type: 'mjs' | 'js'

Default: mjs

File extension for generated javascript files.

  "outExtension": "mjs"


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to force consistent type extensions for generated typescript .d.ts files.

If set to true and outExtension is set to mjs, the generated typescript .d.ts files will have the extension .d.mts.

  "forceConsistentTypeExtension": true


Type: 'object-literal' | 'template-literal'

Default: object-literal

Decides which syntax to use when writing CSS. For existing projects, you might need to run the panda codegen --clean.

  "syntax": "template-literal"

Ex object-literal:

const styles = css({
  backgroundColor: 'gainsboro',
  padding: '10px 15px'

Ex template-literal:

const Container = styled.div`
  background-color: gainsboro;
  padding: 10px 15px;


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether to use lightningcss instead of postcss for css optimization.

  "lightningcss": true


Type: string[]

Default: []

Browserslist query to target specific browsers. Only used when lightningcss is set to true.

  "browserslist": ["last 2 versions", "not dead", "not < 2%"]


Type: boolean

Default: false

Polyfill CSS @layers at-rules for older browsers.

  "polyfill": true

Design token options


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether to allow shorthand properties

  "shorthands": true

Ex true:

const styles = css({
  bgColor: 'gainsboro',
  p: '10px 15px'

Ex false:

const styles = css({
  backgroundColor: 'gainsboro',
  padding: '10px 15px'


Type: string

Default: :where(:host, :root)

The root selector for the css variables.

  "cssVarRoot": ":where(:host, :root)"


Type: Extendable<Conditions>

Default: {}

The css selectors or media queries shortcuts.

  "conditions": { "hover": "&:hover" }


Type: Extendable<GlobalStyleObject>

Default: {}

The global styles for your project.

  "globalCss": {
    "html, body": {
      "margin": 0,
      "padding": 0


Type: Extendable<AnyTheme>

Default: {}

The theme configuration for your project.

  "theme": {
    "tokens": {
      "colors": {
        "red": { "value": "#EE0F0F" },
        "green": { "value": "#0FEE0F" }
    "semanticTokens": {
      "colors": {
        "danger": { "value": "{}" },
        "success": { "value": "{}" }


Type: Extendable<UtilityConfig>

Default: {}

The css utility definitions.

  "utilities": {
    extend: {
      borderX: {
        values: ['1px', '2px', '4px'],
        shorthand: 'bx', // `bx` or `borderX` can be used
        transform(value, token) {
          return {
            borderInlineWidth: value,
            borderColor: token(''), // read the css variable for red.200


Type: Extendable<Record<string, AnyPatternConfig>>

Default: {}

Common styling or layout patterns for your project.

  "patterns": {
    extend: {
      // Extend the default `flex` pattern
      flex: {
        properties: {
          // only allow row and column
          direction: { type: 'enum', value: ['row', 'column'] },


Type: StaticCssOptions

Default: {}

Used to generate css utility classes for your project.

  "staticCss": {
    css: [
        properties: {
          margin: ['*'],
          padding: ['*', '50px', '80px'],
        responsive: true,
        properties: {
          color: ['*'],
          backgroundColor: ['green.200', 'red.400'],
        conditions: ['light', 'dark'],


Type: boolean

Default: false

Only allow token values and prevent custom or raw CSS values. Will only affect properties that have config tokens, such as color, bg, borderColor, etc. Learn more.

  "strictTokens": false


Type: boolean

Default: false

Only use valid CSS values for properties that do have a predefined list of values. Will throw for properties that do not have config tokens, such as display, content, willChange, etc. Learn more.

  "strictPropertyValues": false

JSX options


Type: 'react' | 'solid' | 'preact' | 'vue' | 'qwik' | (string & {})

JS Framework for generated JSX elements.

  "jsxFramework": "react"


Type: string

The factory name of the element

  "jsxFactory": "panda"


<panda.button marginTop="40px">Click me</panda.button>


Type: all | minimal | none

Default: all

The style props allowed on generated JSX components

  • When set to 'all', all style props are allowed.
  • When set to 'minimal', only the css prop is allowed.
  • When set to 'none', no style props are allowed and therefore the jsxFactory will not be usable as a component:
    • <styled.div /> and styled("div") aren't valid
    • but the recipe usage is still valid styled("div", { base: { color: "red.300" }, variants: { ...} })

Ex with 'all':

<styled.button marginTop="40px">Click me</styled.button>

Ex with 'minimal':

<styled.button css={{ marginTop: '40px' }}>Click me</styled.button>

Ex with 'none':

<button className={css({ marginTop: '40px' })}>Click me</button>

Documentation options


Type: Partial<Studio>

Default: { title: 'Panda', logo: '🐼' }

Used to customize the design system studio

  "studio": {
    "logo": "🐼",
    "title": "Panda"

log level

Type: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'silent'

Default: info

The log level for the built-in logger.

  "logLevel": "info"


Type: 'none' | 'warn' | 'error'

Default: warn

The validation strictness to use when validating the config.

  • When set to 'none', no validation will be performed.
  • When set to 'warn', warnings will be logged when validation fails.
  • When set to 'error', errors will be thrown when validation fails.
  "validation": "error"

Other options


Type: PandaHooks

Panda provides a set of callbacks that you can hook into for more advanced use cases. Check the Hooks docs for more information.


Type: PandaPlugin[]

Plugins are currently simple objects that contain a name and a hooks object with the same structure as the hooks object in the config.

They will be called in sequence in the order they are defined in the plugins array, with the user's config called last.

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  plugins: [
      name: 'token-format',
      hooks: {
        'tokens:created': ({ configure }) => {
            formatTokenName: path => '$' + path.join('-')